This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Moving right along!

Had my monthly doctors visit today. Pretty uneventful. Baby's heart rate was 160, my blood pressure was good and I got a flu shot! Woo hoo! It is so hard to know what's going on at this point. Who even knows there is even a baby in there. I don't think it's quite real yet even still. We have just been so busy with everything else. Here are my starting pics...

My prune grew into a plum! 

I've gained a whole pound and a half so far! 

Dylan is really starting to adjust to preschool. This is our third week and yesterday the drop off went smoothly with no tears! She even went pee in the potty at school which is a huge thing for her seeing that she refuses to pee in public. So she got two stickers for being awesome! She's growing up so fast! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Trick or Treat!!

Our third Halloween and it was quite the experience. I had bought D a great Halloween costume and she hated it. She wanted it off as soon as she put it on. So I tried to improvise with a witches hat and broom to go with a little black outfit. She wouldn't even try the hat on, wouldn't let me do her hair, would hardly let me paint her face and the part I did paint she wiped on my pants, and she wouldn't carry her broom. But she was still cute! 

We just went trick or treating around our neighborhood and then it started raining. She actually racked up pretty good for someone that doesn't like candy. 

We stopped back into the house and she decided she was ready for a bath and then wanted to watch a movie. 

A pretty good day!