This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bob turns 30!

Bob decided the only thing he wanted for his birthday this year was to hang out and drink beer with his buddies...Since I, of course, cannot drink beer with his buddies.... I wasn't really looking forward to going out to the bar til wee hours of the morning so I decided to throw a party at the house! I thought it would be a pretty good 30th birthday! So I cooked some good food, bought a cute cake and of course had decorations!

I thought I got Bob a pretty good gift, as we all know, he is impossible to buy for! I got him Baggo because he always talks about how he had one and he let some guy borrow it and never saw it again! But, being the little sneak he is, guessed what he was getting! Grrr! His parents did get him 2 months worth of yard service which he said was the best gift ever...maybe he can help me out more with the house work....hmmm....
He did somehow talk me into indoor Baggo for his party....

I think everyone had a pretty good time...even Gracie! For some reason, everyone wanted to pick her up and she hates being!

Rob thought it was funny that I was eating the "ass of the Hog"...

Happy 30th Bobby! I love you!

Update on the Pea Pod: Doctors appointment last week went well, have a neurologist appointment scheduled in a couple of week for the headaches but they seem to actually be getting better so I may skip it! Next appointment: August 29th @ 9:45am where we get to find out the gender! Yay! Counting down the days!
Up to week 16 where baby is the size of an avocado!