This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Razorbacks, Wedding Bells, and Remembering

The three of us packed up and headed to Hot Springs this weekend!! Gracie was so excited that she could hardly handle the three hour car ride to see her grandma and grandpa and aunt Harley!!! She also had a hard time settling in the car due to her daddy's race car driving trying to get to the house in time to see the last episode of Big Brother before the big finale next week! We made it with 30 minutes left of the show...
For those interested...Jordan got sent packing!

The main thing on the agenda for the weekend were plans to attend my cousin Kelli Brown's wedding in Benton, she married her love Ryan Nichols. We got up early on Saturday to go shopping in town and visit the nail salon. We just happened upon a new dress for me for the wedding!!

The bad news is that the wedding happen to occur at the same time as the first Little Rock game for the Hogs which meant no tailgating and missing most of the game on you can imagine the men were a little disappointed!! After consultation, it was decided that they didn't have to attend and could stay home and watch the game on TV....

Now as the weekend comes to a close, there is remembering, as this is the 10 year anniversary of 9-11-01, the day in history that will never be forgotten, when America came under attack and so many people lost their lives. It is so sad watching again the accounts from the families that have lost loved ones and the emergency crew members that were there that day to rescue people from what they will remember as one of the most difficult days of their careers, the most difficult days of their lives....

Those that lost there lives totaled 2,996. There were 246 people on the four planes, 2,606 in New York City and 125 at the Pentagon. Nearly 2,000 families received no remains of their deceased loved ones. Never Forgotten.
Overall, glad we got to see some happiness to this sad day of rememberance... the Razorbacks beat New Mexico 52-3 and we were able to attend a beautiful wedding and visit with family that we haven't seen in a really long time!

Congratulations Ryan and Kelli Nichols!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

And so it begins....

Curious in starting this blog thing and hoping it turns out the way I am expecting it to...Bob, of course says it is so silly and that I already have too many social media sites to share my life through! I of course told him that was ridiculous and that I only have Facebook and the twitter account was just from curiosity when I figured out it was quite dumb! I have other friends I have noticed on Facebook starting their own blogs and thought it seemed like a great idea for our little family that we are hoping to grow!

I found out a few months ago that my sister Shanon was to be moving to Japan with her husband, Ben, who is in the air force...this was very sad news for me, knowing that I will not be able to see them or my three nieces at all for the next four years, minimum! They will be grown little women by the time they get back to the states! We will all miss great milestones in each others lives...

I also learned the news that my other sister Sharon will be moving to Guam next year with her husband Will, who is also in the air force and their two kids! They live in New Mexico now, so I don't get to see them as often as I should but still the thought of knowing that you can't, that they are no longer a phone call away, makes it so hard!

Bob's sister Crystal, also lives far away in Virginia, with her job in the Navy, while she has a much shorter plane ride, we would still like to know she wasn't missing too much of our lives (I know Bob is horrible about filling people in on news!)

So, I think this is the perfect way to keep in contact with all of our family in Arkansas and abroad without putting all of our business of Facebook that no one cares about but you guys! Hoping everyone will like it and maybe I can get Bobby on the bandwagon and he may consider doing his own post... Hmmm...