This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The time has come....

Well it is finally time! We have decided Dylan is not going to come on her own so we are making her come out! We are being admitted to the hospital tonight at midnight and starting to induce labor in the morning....Yikes! I haven't really decided if I am scared or excited or what... I am not sure that it has actually sunk in yet. It seems like just yesterday that she was our little pea pod and now she is a full grown baby! I can't wait to see what she looks like and all the exciting things she will bring to our life. I can't believe that we have to actually be responsible for another person, to actually teach her things and hope that she grows to be an amazing young woman. That seems like a lot to put on two people!
We celebrated our last night as non parents last night by going out to Olive Garden and eating way too much! And tonight we are blessed to be surrounded by our family in preparation to go to the hospital and get settled in! I thought I would do a picture recap to see how far we have come!

My how skinny I was!! Ha! From a prune to a pumpkin....
Can't wait to add the next pictures which will include Dylan!
So, I may get bored tonight into tomorrow and decide to blog out!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Getting ready!

It is definitely getting close! I think we actually have everything ready but I am sure once she is here I will find something I forgot! Daddy finally got his TDaP vaccine today so she will be protected from the bad we just have to worry about the flu!!! I finally finished my last day of work yesterday and of course feeling under the weather today! Dr. appointment this week puts us having our sweet baby girl next week if she doesn't decide to visit us before then! She still is not making much progress but has dropped some. She is apparently very content in there or maybe she is just stubborn! Going back on Tuesday if she hasn't made her grand entrance and we get to pick her birthday!

Fun stuff we have done for preparation....

Bags are packed! Here is her cute outfit she will be wearing home!

And of course big sister is ready (I think).... she doesn't look to excited in this picture but I think it is because her shirt is too small!!

And of course her room is ready and waiting for her!

And daddy bought me this super cute mothers ring so I am definitely ready for her!

We also have had a little bit of snow so I am hoping it has got it all out of its system before it's time to bring her home!

Exciting stuff going on around the Brooks house, cannot wait to see Dylan's sweet face!


Of course it has been forever since I have updated this thing. Who knows what I have been doing?? This baby has gotten SO big!! Here are a few picture updates!

Made it to 39 weeks! I definitely feel like I am carrying around a watermelon!! Feels like I have doubled in size in the last month!

My Christmas picture! This is actually 36 weeks not 35.

Now that I am looking at it, it looks like I have doubled in size in the past month!