This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

6 Months Old!

Yeah I know I am way behind on this one but we have been busy... busy doing what I am not sure but little miss demands a lot of attention! Cannot believe it has already been a half will be her birthday before we know it! She hasn't gained an ounce in the last month and weighs maybe a little less... 17 lbs 4 oz and 26 inches long...almost tall enough to reach the bottom of her excer saucer! She gets everywhere super fast by hopping on her back and she is quite the rolly polly. I lose her sometimes... she has decided her new favorite thing is to try to knock over mommys big vase by the fireplace even tho I have told her no a thousand times...she knows she is not supposed to but she loves it. She still hasn't got that whole crawling thing down...she wants to so bad but just gets mad and decides to roll there!We had to hold off on the cereal for a bit because I decided it was making her sick to her stomach. She has decided to stop sleeping lately and I haven't decided if she is teething or having belly pains. She is in 6 month clothes and still wearing size 3 diapers! Here are a few pictures to capture the month!

Her first time at the "beach" was super windy so the lake was like the ocean but she did enjoy it the short time we were in it!
All smiles!
Candy Crush with daddy!
4th of July! All the fireworks kept us up all night!

Hugging on Grammy!
Big girl!