This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome Home!

So Baby D is almost a month old and I have yet to update this thing!! We have been very busy these last few weeks and she is asleep for the minute so I thought maybe I could see how far I could get!
So, last post was on how we were headed to the hospital... I was admitted to the hospital at midnight January 25th, they got me all cozy in my room and had me change clothes, they were super confused that I brought my own birthing gown but a girl needs to look cute! They checked my cervix and of course I was not dilated at all! They put an IV in and started me on cytotec which was supposed to help me dilate... I was on this for a few hours while trying to get some sleep and the nurse came in and told me to lay on my side for a while. Then another 30 minutes or so went by when two nurse came in and told me to lay on my other side and they started me on full oxygen, all of course without telling me what was going on! They finally told me that the baby was decelerating and was not tolerating the meds. They called the on call doctor who said to stop the meds and wait. I was then only dilated to a finger tip after about 4 hours. My doctor then called and ordered to start me on Pitocin which was to start contractions but she was unsure what it would do if anything since I still was not dilated really. After a few hours of that, the same thing started happening where she was not tolerating the contractions at all. The doctor came back in about 11am and I was still only dilated the a finger tip. She said the only option we had at that point was to do a c-section and that my baby would be here soon. It was all kinda scary to think about but overall went very well! After giving me some fluids they took me to surgery where they put my spinal in. The anesthesiologist was super nice and took lots of pictures for us!

It was all a really weird experience in the fact that from the chest down I was numb but yet I could feel every thing they touched!! It seems like it was only a few minutes until they pushed my beautiful angel out and she started crying! I was a little jealous that Bob was the first one to hold her but he took lots of pictures and let me have his phone to look at all of them while they sewed me up and carted me to recovery!

Dylan Mackenzie Brooks was born on January 25th at 12:50pm and weighed in at 8lb 2oz and was 20 inches long. She was the cutest baby I have ever seen with a head full of hair!

Our perfect family!!
We had to stay in the hospital a few days so I could recover from surgery and we were so ready to go! Rest is not possible when a nurse is coming in your room every hour to check mine or babies vital signs!

Checking out!
Car ride home!
We had a fun welcoming committee when we arrived home from big sister Gracie! I had a cute video but it would not let me load it....

Dylan got to see her room and loved it of course!

We are getting settled in and having a great time trying to figure each other out!
This only took me a week and a half to complete so hoping I can update again soon!

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