This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Baby update!

Have been so busy the last few weeks, I haven't got a chance to update the blog! So, I thought I would at least add the important things! Went to the doc on Wednesday to see our sweet little was so exciting!! It was amazing the things we got to see on this little machine! She checked the heart, lungs, brain, GI tract, blood flow, everything was perfect! Even those three little lines we got a peek of between our little GIRLS legs!! :) It was so sweet...she just just twisting and turning in there and I didn't feel a thing! Her little heart beat was 147 and she was weighing in at 11 oz and about 12 cm long. She was just adorable!

Sweet baby foot!
Seemed like her feet and hands were up around her head almost the whole time
Think I can catch a smile in this one...attempt at the 3D of the face. Again, wouldn't move her hands and feet!
Crossing her arms
Didn't get any pics on the CD of the little girl parts but its for sure! Bob keeps saying "but what if it comes out a boy?"... wishful thinking on his part! LOL! I think I have another ultrasound in a couple months so I am sure they will double check it then. The doctor said I have an anterior (front) placenta which means that the placenta is lying low on the cervix which means it could cause bleeding but normally it will correct itself before delivery and it will be nothing to worry about. This is also why I can't really feel baby and why I can't feel her at all from the outside. I was shocked when she was moving the ultrasound machine at the top of my stomach and getting great pics...I can feel the baby way down in my pelvis only so it was really weird but apparently that is where the placenta is which is why I cannot feel it up higher....hoping that thing moves out of the way soon because I am ready for daddy to feel her too! We are so blessed...cannot wait for January to get here!
Leaving for Branson tomorrow and I will update all the fun things we have been up to, including belly pics, when we get back!

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