This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What to Expect...

Bob and I have been married for a whole year on Monday! He says it seems like much longer... but overall it has been the best year of our life and I cannot wait to spend so many more together! We recently found out that we are about to start a new adventure...
Since we have tied the not or probably before then, we have wanted nothing more than to start our own little family and last week our wish came true!
After the wedding last Saturday, we stopped by WalMart to pick up a few things and Bob shows back up at the car with a pregnancy test as I was a few days late. He said I needed to take it the next morning to make mom's mothers day the best one ever!
So I did as I was told even though I thought he was crazy! For some reason, me and Bob and mom were all in the bathroom and you know you have to wait 3 minutes... so mom started the timer and then I realized that Bob bought a fancy one that had its own timer! It probably didn't take 1 minute until it popped up...

 I was so excited that I couldn't breathe! I just kept screaming oh, oh, oh, oh! lol! And for some reason neither of them knew what that meant until I showed them! And then dad came running in their because he thought that with all of the screaming someone must have had a heart attack! Ha!
There was no heart attack luckily! I should be about 6 1/2 weeks about now and go for my first doctors visit on Tuesday! We are hoping things work out perfectly this time!

1 comment:

  1. OMG ....I can just picture you all in the bathroom!!!! I would have cried If I had been there!!!! I know you have wanted this for along time and so happy it is all coming true. Wonderful loving husband and now a wonderful baby. Oh I cant forget and wonderful Grace lol! We love you all and hope this 9 months go by really fast :)! ITS GOING TO BE A GIRL!!!!
