This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baby Fun...the sweet ones and furry ones!

We have had such a fun filled weekend with friends! Bob had to work super late in Little Rock Friday so I ordered a pizza and he stopped and picked something up and then we watched movies until late.

Saturday started out super lazy where we just wathced TV most of the day. I made muffins in my new cupcake maker that Bobby got me for Christmas, they turned out yummy but were not very pretty at all...never browned on top...but oh well, we ate them all!

We then decided to make it a movie night since we haven't been in a while. We went to see Contraband with "Marky" Mark Whalberg...I thought it was good, had a few twist in it but Bob was disappointed and felt as though more bad guys should have died! Ha!

Before we went to the movies, I decided it was time to go visit our favorite triplets!! Brandon and Michelle Elliott had the cutest triplets last year and they are about 9 months old now, such a sweet age! They all have there own personality and looks, they always joke that you could have them all sitting next to each other and never even know they were related! There is Knox who looks just like his momma, who had the biggest brightest eyes you have ever seen! He likes to growl at you and is very independent and likes to roam on his own!

Then there is little sweet Ava, who her momma says is everyones favorite! It is easy to see why, she is so sweet!! She was sitting in Bob's lap and kept pushing off like she was going to jump! She made it safely to the floor without him dropping her! Ha! She is the only one who cannot crawl yet so she just pulls herself everywhere and she gets so frustrated because the boys go everywhere and she cannot! Yes, I know this pic is upside down but that is how I took it, she was so busy rolling and flipping on the floor, that is how she landed!

Then there is Brooks (Bob's namesake child, or so we say)...he is so stinking sweet! I gave him his bottle while he was there and after that we were best friends, he started acting like he wanted to get down and play and I put him down and he instantly wanted back in my lap!! He was all smiles the whole time and thought I was so funny! Of course, I couldn't get a picture of his 3 teeth smile but it was there!

After the movie, we went to our friend Jeff's new house which used to be our rent house so it was fun seeing it all fixed up! He got a new fur baby! A bassett hound named Penny! He just got her and she is so sweet, she is 14 months old and was abused and was made to have babies as a sad!! I think Gracie would just love her so we will have to set up a play date soon!

Mike was also there with his fur baby, Chopper, who we say is a boxer but Mike says he is full blooded Pit Bull... He is also super sweet but is SO hyper and is 8 years old!! He is about 75 lbs. and thinks he is 5 lbs. Chopper and Penny had the best time, he kept charging her and flipping her over and she thought it was so fun! I am kinda glad Gracie was not there, not sure she is used to the roughness!!

Though it was a super fun, baby filled, Saturday, I still missed the best and cutest baby of all! Our little GB!

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