This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Baby #2

It definitely is true what people say about the second child... apparently no one really cares if you are pregnant or bringing a new child into the family. I have tried hard to do everything for baby Drew but I am just so tired and feel terrible and it has been like this the whole time. I do not have his nursery ready at all... like at all. I just have stuff piled up all over the place. I am supposed to be getting his bedding in this week and hopefully I can get everything in place over the weekend. I finally went through and washed all of his stuff and realized he has NO pajamas... that is like the one thing I have to have to bring baby home! It's like diapers, bed, and then pajamas has to be up there in the top 3 I think! Sigh... poor little Drew! And blankets... I seriously had at least 15 PINK blankets that everyone and their momma bought for Dylan, most of them monogrammed, most of them NEVER made it out of the closet... how many blankets does he have?? 3... and one of them was Dylan's from one of her showers that she never used.
People never call or text to see how he is doing or how I am doing. When I go out places, people are rude and are never nice or mention that I am pregnant the way they did when I was pregnant with Dylan. Seriously was at WalMart this week at 9 months pregnant and the cashier took a deep sigh when I got up there and said "how much weight can you even lift?" really?? Why would my groceries sacks be that heavy??
So... what have I been doing this week?? Buying stuff online! Diapers, pajamas, burp cloths, blankets.... I swear I have a package at my door every day. But I am determined everything is going to be in place when he gets here. Only 8 more days to go!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Easter Fun!

Things just get more exciting the older she gets! Of course I spent way too much money on stuff for the Easter basket. 

The Saturday of Easter weekend they had a community wide Easter egg hunt that we decided to go to. We got out the Easter basket and headed up the street. There were so many families there!! They had a nice story time and then took off to get the eggs scattered everywhere... Dylan got 2 eggs and all she kept saying was more eggs? More eggs? Poor girl! So we sure hunted our butts off when we got home. 

They had a photographer there to capture the fun! 

We had a mini breakdown Easter morning where she did not want to wear her pretty dress... But she got into it after a few minutes. 

This is her "I don't wanna wear this" face. 

She cheered up pretty quick! 

Got baby Drew in on some selfie stick fun. Dylan refused to be in the picture. 

The week pretty much consisted of back yard egg hunting. I think she was a fan! 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Break!

We recently had our first Spring Break! No that it is much because we only go to school two days a week but it kept us busy! We did lots of fun things, just the two of us, and missed a lot of naps. We went for ice cream, went to the park, went to the movies at the library. She kept wanting to know when we were going to school to see Miss Carla! 

Morning giggles while doing fun flash cards! 

Ice cream time! 

Fun at the library! 

We watched the Good Dinosaur and she loved it! 

Even fit in a tornado warning where we were told to take cover. So we had fun in the bath tub for a while. 

Got to ride in a fire truck while getting our hair done!! 

The park was fun but super wet... I didn't think that one through

First time in the sand box and of course she just sat on the side to play. 

I think our stay-cation spring break was a success!