This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dylan turns 2?!?!

Whoa!! When did that happen?? This insanely crazy baby we have turned two on Sunday!! It was a fun party, Minnie Mouse themed, of course. You know, she doesn't even watch cartoons anymore, it is only music on TV. She loves Minnie but has no interest of watching her on TV. She got a giant Minnie Mouse for her birthday and now she must sleep with the giant one and the regular one…plus all the other stuffed animals she owns. I am sure that I went way too far out for a 2 year old party but she had a good time even if no one showed up.

She was bringing all of her gifts over to the floor with daddy and then giving her Minnie balloon a kiss. She thought it was Minnie's birthday! So sweet!

So… at 2… she is weighing in around 26 lbs and per her new growth chart mommy made her, she is 32 inches. She is wearing 24 month clothes but not wuite 2T. She loves music and dancing, yogurt, milk, pasta, bath time, bubbles, the iPad, pretty bows. She still naps during the day and sleeps pretty well at night. She has a temper like none other. She thinks that things should happen exactly the way she wants them to. She loves to be pretty and wear bows and brush her hair. She has just suddenly gotten to where she wants to watch shows on the iPad which is nice but she wants me to do it with her. She now says she wants to sit in my lap so that is her usual move. She knows the word no very well but if the answer is yes, she makes a very exaggerated excited face so you know that she wants it.
We plan on her starting preschool in the fall and possibly dance over the summer. So many fun things planned. Cannot wait for this year!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year = New Things to Come

Can't believe it's 2015!! Bob was just saying he remembers watching "Back to the Future" and 2015 seemed like a lifetime!! We are here... And yet, no flying cars or hover boards! Man!! 
I think things in the Brooks household can only get better!! Bob finally made it home around 9pm on NYE so we could pop some champagne and wait for our countdown. Dylan loved the champagne. I let her smell it where the bubbles tickle her nose and she thought it was the best!

I recently ran across this article about how it takes 66 days to really change something in your life... 66 days!! What?? I can do that right? 

So I've decided to set goals for myself. I don't want to call it resolution because that always seems like too much pressure!! So here it is... 

1. Read the bible and pray everyday!! It seems like things get so busy with life that I forget the most important things! I started a bible study last month (that I haven't finished) on the book "Before Amen" by Max Lucado. If you haven't read it, please do, it's awesome! It talks all about prayer and is very powerful yet an easy read. Did you know in Matthew 21:22 God says, "if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer"... That's pretty powerful!! All you have to do is believe God can and will do it and He will! Done!! So this one is going to seem dumb to not stick to. 

2. Work harder on my amazing business with Rodan + Fields and watch it grow! I love this opportunity I have and have almost finished my first year and I'm really starting to see how much potential it can have so I'm working harder and making sure everyone realizes the opportunity! If you are curious if the opportunity is right for you, let me know! 

3. Exercising daily!! I have started doing just simple yoga the last few days and it really makes my bones and muscles feel better. I am hoping to gradually work up to walking daily and then doing some of these millions of exercise videos that I hoard. Dylan has gotten to where she thinks it's funny and even tries to do the yoga poses with me! 

4. Drinking water everyday! I'm not sure what happened that I don't do this. I am so thirsty all the time but never make time for myself to drink. So crazy of me!! Have my giant cup in front of me know and I'm ready!! 

5. To be an awesome wife and momma. There is so many things I have planned for this year... Preschool, dance classes, etc. so time management and dealing with separation anxiety (mine) are a must!! Just so many exciting things to look forward to I can't wait! 

So happy New Years from us to you!! Hoping it lives up to expectations! 
And, everyone needs to keep me on my toes with all of these things for the next 66 days!!