Wow how time flies! Dylan is 7 months old (and then some since I am behind)! She is getting so big! She is weighing in at 17 lbs 12 oz and is 27 inches long! She is still in size 3 diapers but we are doing a trial of the 4's! She is in 6 month clothes still but could stand to do the 9 months! She still hasn't gotten the hang of that whole sitting up thing...she will sit up fine if I prop her there but has no clue how to do it herself. She is still hopping on her back and rolling everywhere. She talks...all the time!! She says bye-bye, dada, and hi and not that it fell in the 7 month, she started saying mama on August was quite possibly the sweetest thing I have ever heard! She got to go to the ocean for the first time and really wasn't sure about it at first but then she was a little water bug! She also got to meet lots of family that she had never met before. Her hair is getting so long and is pretty unruly, especially since she cannot sit up and it is so curly!! She is doing a little better with food but isn't too crazy about it! Sweet potatoes are her favorite and she hates all fruit so far! Her feet finally touch the bottom of the exersaucer and she loves it! Here are a few pictures to capture our month!

Visiting Grandma for her birthday! |
Yummy! |
Gracie is mad about someone stealing her toys...
Got the Giggles! |
Helping mommy clean! |
Porch time! |
Trying out her new high chair while playing candy crush! |
In the midst of our 12 hr drive to Florida! |
Beach Baby! |
Gracie had to get in on the photo bomb!