Wow! Our girl is getting so big! We have had such a fun and crazy month! I feel like I never have time to update the blog so I try to put as much on here in one month as possible!! I also, for some reason, never put things on Facebook which was the initial reason for this blog...a semi private place to share all of the details of our little family with our extended family without sharing with the world of I need to get with the program! D is doing so much better so I really have no excuse!
We decided about a month ago after talking to moms instead of doctors that maybe she is intolerant to milk. I thought maybe I could cut milk out of my diet, which basically everything edible is made from milk, and it would take 2 weeks or so to get out of my system, so we decided to take the easy route and just start her on formula! She is like a totally different baby! We tried soy formula but that stopped her up so she is on a super expensive specialty formula...but it is so worth it! She sleeps all night (most of the time), takes naps during the day, is on a schedule of eating and poops regularly! It was very hard on her (and me) at first...she didn't understand why she had to have this bottle all the time... but she is getting used to it! She loves tummy time and rolling...rolling...rolling! She still loves her play mat and her chicken and we also put together her jumper thing and she thinks she likes it but not sure. She is doing great holding her head up and will sit in her bumbo chair for a while but her legs are almost too fat for it! We have tried a little oatmeal but she is still not sure about it! She likes reading and so far nursery rhymes are her favorite, the itsy bitsy spider is her total favorite! She likes grabbing things and putting them in her mouth, getting good at holding her bottle too but sometimes she would rather me do it...I am right there! Ha! Her hair is getting so is a is super curly and since she lays on it all day it is super frizzed out in the back! I am not sure I know what to do with curly hair but I will be so glad when it gets to where we can fix it up!
At her 4 month appt she was weighing in at 16 lbs 6 oz (almost as much as Tryn, Shanon) and 24.5 inches long! Short and squatty but oh so cute! She is in size 3 diapers and wearing some 3 month clothes but mostly 6 month! Here are a few pictures to capture our month!
Mother's Day 2013! |
My birthday... 32!! |
Naked Baby! |
Sunshine!! |
Our new toy! |
Our new minnie mouse outfit that Great Aunt Sue got her! |
Sweet girl! |
Playing with Grumpy! |
The full outfit...not crazy about it but kept it on long enough for pictures! |
Meeting Great Aunt Sue (G.A.S) |
As you can see...I couldn't decide on an outfit! I decided the Memorial Day one was too big so had to go a different route! |
Love this girl! |
It is nice to be getting into somewhat of a routine!! Now if I can get her used to me not holding her all the time...