We had our first ultrasound today with the doctor to see when we were really expecting our little pea pod to arrive. It was a very fast and simple visit but we were so glad to see our little one was doing good so far! Bob was amused at the little pedals next to the ultrasound table that had up, down, left, right on them and he was dying to push them! Don't worry, I didn't let him! LOL! When the doctor arrived she got right down to business, had no problem finding our little one and we got to hear the heart beat which was beating at a great pace of 150! Seems that we are not as far along as expected and the new due date is January 20th which means I am only about 7 1/2 weeks now... so long until January! But at least it won't be too close to Christmas and Bob was just relieved it wasn't twins! So, now for the drum roll....

Isn't it cute! ha! I had to explain it to Bob after the doctor left the room because apparently he wasn't paying attention! The little white bump in the right corner is our pea pod! It was so neat that even though we couldn't really see anything, you could see the heart beating out of it's chest! We loved it! So glad everything is going so well! Baby's first picture now has it's official spot on the fridge!