This is a page about us... a page about love....a page about life.... a page about two best friends coming together and living happily ever after...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Time stand still

Have you ever experienced a time in your life where it seems everything is going so fast but at the same time the memories of that time seem to fade? Like it seems that I just had this little squishy baby but at the same time I don’t even remember him being that small, fitting in those newborn clothes I just sold, drinking from a bottle, little baby coos... my baby turned 18 months old this week! How is that possible? 
I just love watching him toddle around and “run” with those tiny legs. I remember when Bob commented that Dylan toddled like that and he wanted her to always do that because it was adorable. I also remember the day I realized she didn’t do that anymore... she was big, right before my eyes! She now cartwheels through the living room.
He’s so fun! Rough and tumble, all boy! He goes non stop all day long. He’s finally talking but still refuses to say momma. He has said it just a couple times but he definitely knows how to get my attention and is sure to make very clear that he wants no one to hold him that isn’t momma. 
He is still in 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. He's 23 pounds. I thought he was so big but only in the 30% still.
He loves to run, steal his sister's toys, and he gives the best open mouth sloppy kisses. He snacks all day long and isn't really a fan of sleep unless he is pressed up against mom or dad. He likes to climb but luckily hasn't figured out how to climb out of the bed. He is very much a daredevil and his favorite place to be is standing on the coffee table watching tv. He has recently discovered my phone and loves it but also likes getting out of the app I put him in and doing all the things he shouldn't. He also loves throwing it!

He is really good at throwing epic temper tantrum to try to get his way. He loves candy and cookies and wants to eat these things all day. He hates socks and really anything on his feet. He thinks it's fun to throw all of his food to the dog and then scream that he's done.
He's finally started talking just in the last few weeks and he's so funny and smart. He helps to throw things away and put his dishes in the dishwasher and towels in the basket. He loves reading books (or turning the pages) and he loves clapping and dancing along to nursery rhymes. He knows how to do that super adorable cheesy smile that makes anyone do anything for him.
Overall though, he makes us laugh, he keeps us on our toes, and we wouldn't trade him for the world!!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Drew Turns One!!

You know how people say you never miss something you never had? This is oh so very true. I remember not too terribly long ago thinking mom of an only child was enough for me! That only child was adorable, loving, sweet, sassy, strong willed, and stubborn! I loved her with every bit of my being and I could not imagine loving anything or anyone else that much. How on earth could I ever love another child as much as I loved her? But for some reason, one day, I woke up and thought... "let's have another baby!" It was so much easier to get pregnant the second time around and everything seemed to go so quickly. And then 9 months passed and there we were, welcoming a precious baby boy into our now family of 4!! Wow! That boy was everything I ever dreamed he could be!

It's been an amazing year and it seems like we have fast forwarded straight to now!! It has gone so fast! How is that even possible?! These children of mine are no longer babies! They go go go non stop all day! They learn new things every day! They amaze me every day! They love each other to pieces and I love each of them more every day, if that is even possible!

Drew is such a sweet boy! He started out great, sweet, cuddly, sleeping through the night early on. Little did I know it would be the calm before the storm. He started crawling and getting around about 9 mo the and he hasn't looked back! He is into everything. Everything goes in his mouth. He loves jumping on Gracie! He is starting to climb up on things but has no clue how to get off. He loves playing with his sister. He thinks she is the funniest person on Earth! She loves him too but isn't too crazy about sharing toys and sometimes she doesn't think he should laugh at her because she "isn't doing anything funny"

He loves food... all food! He loves meat and fruit and veggies. He has SIX teeth so he's pretty good at chomping! He has started just standing up on his own. Just right in the middle of the floor. He pushes everything around as a walker, even the barstool. He is in size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes. He is 20 lbs 15 oz and 29.7 inches long! Talking is not really his thing. He would ather just scream about stuff. He also really isn't a fan of sleeping! He loves to play by himself. He will just wander off to the playroom and play.

His birthday party was so much fun! We celebrated at Mimi and Papaws house. Baseball theme with burgers and hot dogs. It was a long day so he was pretty tired. Luckily he had big sister to help unwrap all of the presents and blow out the candle. She even did the smash cake for him since he hated that!

Happy birthday to our little Drew! I cannot even begin to imagine our life without you! Mom of 2 is pretty cool and I cannot wait to see these kiddos grow!

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Day in the Life

Finally on Christmas break...not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing... ask me in two weeks. It has been so hectic around here trying to wrangle these kids and get everything ready for Christmas. I am not sure how moms with more kids or even moms that work full time do this. I am constantly exhausted. Seriously, those moms are my heroes!!

Last week, was a pretty typical morning trying to get us all ready to go. It was a pretty long week in between school and dance we had lots of doctors appointments. I lucked out this time where our appointment wasn't until 11:15... I don't totally understand how doctors offices just call and say "hey you have an appointment scheduled at this day and time" without even asking... again moms that work... how does that even fit?? Anyway, I snapped this pic and sent it to my friend on how my day was going...

This pretty much summed up my day... really my whole week. We were going for a hearing aid appointment and I seriously had everything in hand, walking out the door... the child did not even have her hearing aids in her ears!! Really?? We got there right at 11:15 frazzled with messy ponytails. This was actually how my entire week looked. Husband has been working long hours all week and I have successfully (maybe not) dried Dylan's hair, cooked dinner-while pouring half a bag of rice all over the floor, and put makeup on including mascara all while holding a baby this week!

This is how our day ended: with a smile (even though she asked about 50 times at the doctors if we could go home), a new hearing aid bear, new pink hearing aids, Arby's in our bellies, and only one more doctors visit left this year.

It was a bad week... I was left feeling defeated and exhausted with no end in sight. I thought if I could just have one week.... just one week where I didn't have to do anything- no appointments, no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry- it would be so awesome!

I posted this pic on facebook and got a message from a friend saying she didn't know Dylan had hearing aids and she asked a lot of questions. I told her it was hard but we were glad we were finally getting the help we need and we could already tell such a big difference in a short time. In the end she told me that her daughter had a leg amputation at 9 months old and how it never stopped her and she is going strong 11 years later. Wow! And just like that, God reminds us how very blessed we are. It is hard going to all these appointments but can you imagine how many appointments that she has had to go to?? How many different therapies and surgeries and doctors they have seen? How many tears that mom has cried asking why?
Thankful this Christmas for two beautiful, healthy (hearing) babies!
And as the Wise old Owl in "Pete the Cat" said... Just remember to look for the good in every day!

7 Months Old

Goodness... over a half year gone already. How is that possible! This boy brings so much joy to all of our lives. He is the most precious thing. He even laughs when you change his diaper. He is up to 16.8lbs...growing like a weed. He is in size 3 diapers, 12 PJs and 6-9 month clothes. We have started baby food and he still isn't a huge fan. He loves bananas of all kinds, fresh and pureed. He is still a little uncertain about vegetables though. He can push himself up on his arms and pull around to get things. He can sit for a while if I sit him up but gets pretty upset when he falls over. He still likes his jumper. He thinks his sister is hilarious no matter what she is doing. He can say "dada". He loves taking a bath and putting everything in his mouth. 

Green bean face! 

Tricking Grumpy by telling him something was on the ceiling!
Getting so close!
First Basketball Game

Friday, December 2, 2016


I had good intentions to have family costume theme for our Halloween party but someone only wanted to be Dora the Explorer.. I really thought we were over her. And of course she wanted little brother to be Boots, her loyal sidekick monkey. Well, as luck would have it, they both got sick the week of Halloween and still weren't feeling top notch the say of so we skipped the party and just did neighborhood trick or treating. I made the mistake of carrying Drew so he would be cute and seen. He gets quite heavy after an hour or so...
But Dora and Boots were definitely adorable!

We tried to trick or treat with some friends up the street but one of them was dressed as the headless horseman and Dylan was terrified of him even though she watched him put it on. It was definitely an interesting Halloween!

5 months... 6 months... oh my!

Wow!! My app on my phone has not been working even a little bit and I cannot remember to get on the computer to update this thing. I have lots of ideas too and lots of updates so beware of a lot coming up!!

This boy....

Isn't he sweet?? At 5 months, he was up over 15 lbs and seemed so long!! He was pushing out of the 9 month footed pjs and into the 12 month ones!! He loves his jumper and loves to roll. He loves mama as you can see and we are all just smitten with him.

At 6 months he was 15 lb 13 oz (25%) and 26.5 inches long (50%) and has a 17 inch head (75%). He was rocking size 3 diapers and in those 12 month pjs quite comfy. He is more 6-9 month in regular clothes though. He is still loving to jump jump jump in his jumperoo and can get anywhere by rolling. He has kind of regressed in sleeping and likes to keep mommy up a lot! He loves his sister and thinks she is hilarious. His hair is completely crazy and his daddy hates it! His dimples go on for miles and he loves to be held and cuddles.

Here are a few photos of the few months.

Razorback Fans!

Crazy hair!

Monkeying around!
Those toes!

Just adorably handsome!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Beach Bums!

didn't think it would happen this year but we actually got to go to the beach!! Bob went to Alaska for work and the kids and I picked up Grammy and Grumpy and headed south. Only took us 12 hours to get there but it was a much needed break! This long car trip was much more enjoyable than Dylan's first long car trip. 

To say this one was excited was an understatement. She talked about it for weeks leading up to the big day! 

And this was pretty much Drews reaction. 

It was definitely worth the drive! Little miss had to go straight to the ocean. She didn't even hesitate and wasn't the slightest bit afraid! She would have jumped right in if we would have let her. 

So she did a lot of splashing and wore us out taking turns on who was going to take her swimming. 

And Drew did a lot of napping. If this isn't the cutest beach bum I don't know what is. 

Drew got to swim in the pool for the first time and loved kicking his feet and drinking the pool water. He figured out how to scoop it in his hand and put it in his mouth. 

And of course Dylan love jumping and splashing and playing with her brother. 

I loved beach bumming with these two! They are my favorites!